MHSA Mental Health Glossary
Common MHSA/Mental Health acronyms, abbreviations, and definitions
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W
A/OA: Adult/Older Adult
Across the lifespan: includes infants, children, adolescents, transition aged youth, transition aged adults, adults, and older adults.
ACCESS California (ACCESS): Cal Voice's (formerly known as NorCal MHA) consumer-led stakeholder advocacy program that is funded by the California Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) and the Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC). ACCESS, which stands for Advancing Client and Community Empowerment through Sustainable Solutions, represents the interests of public mental health clients throughout California.
Adoption: Approval or acceptance; usually applied to amendments, committee reports or resolutions.
Any Mental Illness (AMI): A mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder; AMI can vary in impact, ranging from no impairment to mild, moderate, and even severe impairment” (National Institute of Mental Health, 2017). Also referred to as a mental health challenge.
Behavioral Health Board (BHB):
Bill: A draft of a proposed law introduced by a Member of the Legislature (Assembly Bill 4000-AB 4000, Senate Bill 1-SB 1)
BOS: Board of Supervisors
Brown Act Open Meeting Law (Brown Act): An act codified in the California Government Code that: (a) Requires local public agencies to post notice and agenda, ensure citizen and professional involvement, hold public meetings and hearings, encourage community input at meetings, and treat documents as public; and (b) Prohibits public bodies subject to the Act from using communication methods, like email, to circumvent the Act.(Ralph M. Brown Act, 2018; California Government Code § 54050 et seq).
CBO: see Community-based Organization
CFTN, CF/TN: see Capital Facilities and Technology Needs
CPPP, CPPp: see Community Program Planning Process
CMHC: see Community Mental Health Center
CSC: see Coordinated Specialty Care
CSS: see Community Services and Support
California Association of Local Behavioral Health Boards and Commissions (CALBHBC): A statewide organization supporting the work of local mental and behavioral health boards and commissions.
California Department of Mental Health (DMH): see Department of Health Care Services (DHCS)
Cal Voices: formerly known as Mental Health America of Northern California aka NorCal MHA: is a 501(c)3 non-profit in 1946, coalition of mental health patients, mental health service providers, and interested community members began a local Mental Health Association chapter in Sacramento, which is now known as Mental Health America of Northern California, or NorCal MHA. For nearly 70 years, NorCal MHA has provided mental health consumers with culturally-affirming peer support services, assistance in navigating various human service agencies, and advocacy for consumer-oriented public mental health policies.
California Association of Mental Health Peer-Run Organizations (CAMHPRO): Founded in 2012, is a 501(c)3 non-profit incorporated consumer-run statewide organization consisting of member entities, which are established, independent and successful consumer-run organizations, and individual consumer members.
California Behavioral Health Directors Association (CBHDA): formerly known as the California Mental Health Directors Association
California Behavioral Health Planning Council (CBHPC): A majority Consumer and Family member advisory body to state and local government, the Legislature, and residents of California on mental health services in California.
California Code of Regulations, Title 9 (9 CCR): The standards and rules adopted by California administrative agencies (including the DHCS and MHSOAC) governing the oversight, implementation, and evaluation of rehabilitation and developmental services, including those services provided in California’s PMHS and those provided under the Mental Health Services Act (see 9 CCR §§ 3100 – 3935).
California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions (CIBHS) formerly known as California Institute of Mental Health (CIMH): is a non-profit agency that helps health professionals, agencies and funders improve the lives of people with mental health and substance use challenges through policy, training, evaluation, technical assistance, and research.
CIBHS was established as the California Institute for Mental Health (CiMH) in 1993 to promote excellence in mental health services. Local mental health directors founded CiMH to work collaboratively with all mental health system stakeholders. The commitment to collaboration has led the board to expand board membership to include consumers, family members, and other interested persons representing the public interest.
On July 1, 2014, CiMH merged with the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy Institute (ADPI) to form the California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions.
California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA): The California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) is an organization of county governments working to improve mental health outcomes for individuals, families and communities. Prevention and early intervention (PEI) initiatives implemented by CalMHSA – and collected under the banner of Each Mind Matters: California’s Mental Health Movement – include Stigma and Discrimination Reduction, Suicide Prevention and Student Mental Health, all of which are funded through the voter-approved Mental Health Services Act (Prop. 63).
Capital Facilities and Technology (CFTN; Cap Fac; CF/TN): The Capital Facilities and Technological Needs (CFTN) component works towards the creation of a facility that is used for the delivery of MHSA services to mental health clients and their families or for administrative offices. Funds may also be used to support an increase in peer-support and consumer-run facilities, development of community-based settings, and the development of a technological infrastructure for the mental health system to facilitate the highest quality and cost-effective services and supports for clients and their families.
A funding component of the MHSA for technological needs and capital facilities needed to provide mental health services in Counties’ Adult and Children’s Systems of Care. All plans for proposed facilities with restrictive settings shall demonstrate that the needs of the people to be served cannot be met in a less restrictive or more integrated setting, such as permanent supportive housing (WIC § 5847(b)(5)). From 2005 – 2008, Counties were required to use 10% of their total annual MHSA funding on CF/TN expenditures (WIC §5892(a)(2)). As of the 2008-2009 fiscal year, Counties may utilize up to 20% of the average annual amount of MHSA funds allocated to that County for the previous five years on CF/TN, WET, and prudent reserves combined. This amount is charged to the County’s CSS services component (WIC § 5892(b)).
Caregivers are grandparents and their partners, adoptive parents and their partners, guardians and their partners, and foster parents and their partners, who are now or have in the past been the primary caregiver for a child, youth, or adolescent with a mental health challenge who accessed mental health services.
Chaptered (bill):
Client: An individual of any age who is receiving or has received mental health services. The term ‘Client’ includes those who refer to themselves as clients, consumers, survivors, patients, or ex patients (9 CCR § 3200.040).
Client-driven: Under the MHSA, the client has the primary decision-making role in identifying their needs, preferences and strengths and a shared decision-making role in determining the services and supports that are most effective and helpful for them. Client driven programs and services use clients' input as the main factor for planning, policies, procedures, service delivery, evaluation and the definition and determination of outcomes (CCR § 3200.050).
Community-identified are strategies that have been identified as being effective by cultural and ethnic communities but that have not been demonstrated by empirical evidence. [OSHPD]
Community collaboration: A process by which clients and/or families receiving services, other community members, agencies, organizations, and businesses work together to share information and resources in order to fulfill a shared vision and goals for MHSA programming and funding decisions (9 CCR § 3200.060).
Community Program Planning Process Component (CPPP): The process to be used by the County to develop its MHSA Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plans, and updates [to MHSA-funded plans, projects and programs] in partnership with stakeholders to: (1) identify community issues related to mental illness resulting from lack of community services and supports, including any issues identified during the implementation of the MHSA; (2) analyze the mental health needs in the community; and (3) identify and re-evaluate priorities and strategies to meet those mental health needs (9 CCR § 3200.070). Counties may dedicate up to 5% of their total annual MHSA funds to pay the costs of consumers, family members, and other stakeholders to participate in the planning process (WIC § 5892(c)).
Community Services and Supports (CSS): Community Services and Support (CSS) is the largest component of the MHSA. The CSS component is focused on community collaboration, cultural competence, client and family driven services and systems, wellness focus, which includes concepts of recovery and resilience, integrated service experiences for clients and families, as well as serving the unserved and underserved. Housing is also a large part of the CSS component.
The component of the County’s Three-Year MHSA Program and Expenditure Plans that refers to service delivery systems for mental health services and supports for children and youth, transition age youth, adults, and older adults. These services and supports are similar to those found in Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 5800 et seq (9 CCR §3200.080). Counties must direct the majority (at least 51%) of its CSS funds to the Full-Service Partnership Service Category (9 CCR § 3620(c)).
Consumer: see Consumer/Client
Consumer or Client is an individual of any age who is receiving or has received public mental health services. The term client includes those who refer to themselves as clients, consumers, survivors, patients, or ex-patients. Title 9, California Code of Regulations (CCR), Section 3200.040. [OSHPD]
County: The County Mental Health Department, two or more County Mental Health Departments acting jointly, and/or city-operated programs receiving funds per Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5701.5 (9 CCR § 3200.090). As used in this Report, “County” and “Counties” refer to the local public mental health agencies providing MHSA-funded services and supports to public mental health clients and their families. The City of Berkeley’s Mental Health Division and Tri-City Mental Health Services are included in this definition.
County Behavioral Health Directors Association of California (CBHDA) formerly known as Mental Health Directors Association: A nonprofit advocacy association representing the behavioral health directors from each of California’s 58 counties, as well as Berkeley and Tri-City Mental Health Center (which includes Pomona, Claremont and La Verne).
Cultural competence: All mental health services and programs at all levels should have the capacity to provide services sensitive to the target populations’ cultural diversity. Systems of care should: (1) Acknowledge and incorporate the importance of culture, the assessment of cross-cultural relations, vigilance towards dynamics resulting from cultural differences, the expansion of cultural knowledge, and
the adaptation of services to meet culturally unique needs; (2) Recognize that culture implies an integrated pattern of human behavior, including language, thoughts, beliefs, communications, actions, customs, values, and other institutions of racial, ethnic, religious, or social groups; and (3) Promote congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies enabling the system, agencies, and mental health professionals to function effectively in cross-cultural institutions and communities (WIC § 5600.2(g)). Cultural competence under the MHSA requires Counties to incorporate and work to achieve a set of nine specific goals into all aspects of policy-making, program design, administration and service delivery in the PMHS (9 CCR § 3200.100).
Cultural competence is a set of congruent practice skills, behaviors, attitudes, and policies in a system, agency, or among those persons providing services that enables the system, agency, or those persons providing services to work effectively in cross cultural situations. Title 9, CCR, Section 1810.211. [OSHPD]
Cultural humility: Increasing understanding of cultural, racial, and ethnic diversity in a way that “incorporates a lifelong commitment to self-evaluation and self-critique, to redressing the power imbalances in the patient-physician dynamic, and to developing mutually beneficial and non-paternalistic clinical and advocacy partnerships with communities on behalf of individuals and defined populations” (Tervalon and Murray-Garcia, 1998 p. 117).
DMH: see Department of Health Care Services (DHCS)
Department of Health Care Services (DHCS): From 2004 until 2012, the California Department of Mental Health (DMH) was the primary state agency responsible for overseeing the implementation of the MHSA. However, a 2012 change in state law dissolved DMH and transferred the majority of its MHSA duties to the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) (California State Auditor, 2018).
Department of Mental Health (DMH): From 2004 until 2012, the California Department of Mental Health (DMH) was the primary state agency responsible for overseeing the implementation of the MHSA. However, a 2012 change in state law dissolved DMH and transferred the majority of its MHSA duties to the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) (California State Auditor, 2018).
DRC (Disability Rights California): A nonprofit agency that is the largest disability rights group in the nation. Federal law established us to protect and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. Last year we helped almost 25,000 people. Hundreds of thousands more were helped because of our litigation, policy work, trainings and publications. We are the protection and advocacy agency for California.
Diversity: includes dimensions of race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation/identity, socioeconomic status, age, religion, physical and/or mental/neurological abilities, language, geographical location, e.g., urban, rural, veteran, and/or other pertinent characteristics.
Distributed learning: is an instructional model that involves using various information technologies to help students learn such as video or audio conferencing, satellite broadcasting, and multimedia formats.
EMM: see Each Mind Matters
Each Mind Matters: California’s Mental Health Movement (EMM): In Fiscal Year 2018‐2019, 38 counties collectively pooled local Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) funds through the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) to support the ongoing implementation of the Statewide PEI Project. The Statewide PEI Project is publicly known as Each Mind Matters: California’s Mental Health Movement, which represents an umbrella name and vision to amplify individual efforts from the county and other organizations that are taking place across California under a united movement to reduce stigma and discrimination and prevent suicides.
Enroll: Most commonly, the process of changing a bill passed by both chambers into its final format for transmission to the governor.
Evidence-Based Practice: Strategies that have produced empirical evidence of their successful outcomes to address an identified issue.
EBP: See Evidence-Based Practice
Expenditure plans:
Family member: Parents and siblings and their partners, kinship caregivers, friends, and others as defined by the family who is now or was in the past the primary caregiver for a child, youth, adolescent, or adult with a serious mental health challenge who accessed mental health services.
Fiscal reversion: The MHSA specifies that, other than Prudent Reserve dollars, funds allocated to a county that have not been spent within three years of allocation shall revert to the state for reallocation to other counties in future years. The purpose of this policy was to encourage counties to expend their allocations in a timely manner. Many counties, however, have found it challenging to meet fiscal reporting requirements that would support state oversight of timely expenditures. The Fiscal Reversion Policy Project is designed to reexamine the fiscal reporting and reversion policies to better understand how and why counties hold unspent balances in their MHSA accounts, and to explore strategies for better meeting the MHSA’s goal for timely, prudent expenditure of funds.
Fiscal Year (FY): An accounting period of 12 months.
Forum: A place, situation, or group in which people exchange ideas and discuss issues, especially important public issues.
Example: Members of the council agreed that was an important forum for discussion.
Full Service Partnership (FSP): The service category of the CSS component of the County’s MHSA Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plans, under which the County, in collaboration with the client, and when appropriate the client's family, plans for and provides the full spectrum of community services so that children and youth, transition age youth, adults and older adults can achieve the identified goals (9 CCR § 3200.140). “Full Service Partnership” can also refer to the collaborative relationship between the County and the client, and when appropriate the client's family, through which the County plans for and provides the full spectrum of community services so that the client can achieve the identified recovery goals (9 CCR § 3200.130). Counties must direct the majority (at least 51%) of its Community Services and Supports funds to the FSP Service Category (9 CCR § 3620(c)).
General standards: The County shall adopt six foundational standards in planning, implementing, and evaluating the programs and/or services provided with MHSA funds. The planning, implementation and evaluation process includes, but is not limited to, the Community Program Planning Process; development of the MHSA Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plans and updates; and the manner in which the
County delivers services and evaluates service delivery. These standards are: (1) Community Collaboration; (2) Cultural Competence; (3) Client Driven; (4) Family Driven; (5) Wellness, Recovery, and Resilience Focused; and (6) Integrated Service Experiences for clients and their families (9 CCR § 3320).
Geographic Managed Care (GMC): The State contracts with a number of commercial managed care plans and pays for services on a capitated basis.
Initiative: An initiative is an important act or statement that is intended to solve a problem.
Example: Local initiatives to help young people have been inadequate.
INN: see Innovation
IOP: see Intensive Outpatient Program
Inappropriately served: Populations that are not being provided culturally responsive and/or appropriate services and are provided services often inconsistent with evidence-based and/or community-identified practices.
Innovation (INN): The MHSOAC controls funding approval for the Innovation (INN) component of the MHSA. The goal of Innovation is to increase access to underserved groups, increase the quality of services, promote interagency collaboration and increase access to services. Counties select one or more goals and use those goals as the primary priority or priorities for their proposed Innovation plan.
The section of the County’s MHSA Three-year Program and Expenditure Plan that consists of one or more Innovative Projects (9 CCR § 3200.182). “Innovative Project” means a project that the County designs and implements for a defined time period and evaluates to develop new best practices in mental health services and supports (9 CCR § 3200.184). Counties must set aside 5% of their combined MHSA PEI and CSS funding for Innovative projects to develop and implement promising practices; increase access by underserved groups, increase quality of service, improve outcomes, and promote collaboration (WIC §§ 5830, 5892(a)(6)).
Interprofessional: Health providers from different professions working together to provide care.
Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP):
Local advocacy toolkit: A resource for public mental health clients and other stakeholders intended to aid in training community members to participate in public meetings and effectively advocate for their mental health needs. The toolkit provides handouts and worksheets that can be used to educate community members about the local community planning process and help them craft their own public statements (Appendix Q).
Local jurisdictions include the 58 counties (with Sutter and Yuba counties operating as a single entity), the City of Berkeley, and the Tri-City area (Pomona, Claremont, and La Verne) in Los Angeles County.
MHP: see Mental Health Plan
Mental Health Plan:
Mental Health Services Act (MHSA; Prop. 63): The laws that took effect on January 1, 2005, when Proposition 63 was approved by California voters and codified in the Welfare and Institutions Code (9 CCR § 3200.220). The MHSA establishes a 1% tax on personal income over $1 million, expands mental health care, provides opportunities to design new or adapt old mental health services, and seeks to transform the PMHS through expansion of services, community collaboration, and improved continuum/integration of care (MHSA §§ 2(g), 3). The MHSA encompasses broad portions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code, from sections 5771.1 and 5800 – 5899.1.
Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC): The MHSOAC was established to oversee Counties’ implementation of the MHSA’s CSS, WET, INN, and PEI components and the public mental health services provided in Counties’ Adult and Children’s Systems of Care. The MHSOAC consists of 16 voting members representing the California Attorney General, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Chair of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee, and the Chair of the Assembly Health Committee. Additional members include two persons with SMI, a family member of an adult with SMI, a family member of a child with SMI, and other representatives of interested stakeholder groups in California. The MHSOAC works in collaboration with the DHCS and the California Behavioral Health Planning Council (CBHPC), and in consultation with the California Mental Health Directors Association (CBHDA), in designing a comprehensive joint plan for a coordinated evaluation of client outcomes in the community-based mental health system (WIC § 5845).
NAMI: Non-profit organization National Alliance on Mental Illness
OSHPD: see Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development
Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD): The Healthcare Workforce Development Division (HWDD) in the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) is responsible for carrying out the Workforce Education and Training (WET) Program, a component of the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA). The focus of WET is to address the needs of and issues surrounding hard-to-fill and hard-to-retain professions within the public mental health system (PMHS).
Outreach and engagement: The service category of the CSS component of the County’s MHSA Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan under which the County may fund activities to reach, identify, and engage unserved individuals and communities in the mental health system and reduce disparities identified by the County (9 CCR § 3200.240).
PEI: see Prevention and Early Intervention
People First (Person-First) Language: Referring first to the individual and second to the illness or disability.
Persons with lived experience: Include consumers, family members, and caregivers.
Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI): The goal of the Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) component of the MHSA is to help counties implement services that promote wellness, foster health, and prevent the suffering that can result from untreated mental illness. The PEI component requires collaboration with consumers and family members in the development of PEI projects and programs.
The section of the County’s Three-Year MHSA Program and Expenditure Plan intended to prevent mental illnesses from becoming severe and disabling (9 CCR § 3200.345). At least 20% of County MHSA funds must be used for PEI programs (WIC §§ 5892(a)(3)-(4)). At least 51% of PEI funds must be used to serve persons age 25 and younger (9 CCR § 3706(b)).
Program briefs: Quick overview of progress in programs/projects/legislation, and are prepared as needed for meetings and as requested by stakeholders.
Prudent reserve(s): As of the 2008-2009 fiscal year, Counties may utilize up to 20% of the average annual amount of MHSA funds allocated to that County for the previous five years on CF/TN, WET, and prudent reserves combined. This amount is charged to the County’s CSS services component (WIC § 5892(b)).
Public hearing:
Public Mental Health System (PMHS): Publicly funded mental health programs/services and entities that are administered, in whole or in part, by the California Department of Health Care Services or a California County. It does not include programs and/or services administered, in whole or in part, by federal, state, County or private correctional entities or programs or services provided in correctional facilities (9 CCR § 3200.253).
Public mental health workforce: The current and prospective personnel, county contractors, volunteers, and staff in community-based organizations, who work or will work in the PMHS. Title 9, CCR, 3200.254.
RFP: Request for Proposal
RFSQ: see Request for Statement of Qualifications
Recovery: “A process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential” (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2014).
Regional partnerships: Five geographic regions designated by the California Behavioral Health Directors Association. The designations are Superior, Central, Greater Bay Area, Southern, and Los Angeles.
Request for Statement of Qualifications:
Reversion: Funds not spent within their mandated timeframes are to be returned to the State for re-allocation to County MHPs, a process called reversion.
Roundtable: Opportunity for participants to get together in an informal setting to listen to oral presentation followed by discussion and feedback.
SED: see Serious Emotional Disturbance
SMI: see Serious/Severe Mental Illness
Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED): Infants, children, and youth up to age 18 who have a mental disorder as identified in the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, other than a primary substance use disorder or developmental disorder, which results in behavior inappropriate to the child’s age according to expected developmental norms. These can include, but are not limited to, pervasive developmental disorder, childhood schizophrenia, schizophrenia of adult-type manifesting in adolescence, conduct disorder, affective disorder, other disruptive behaviors, or other disorders with serious medical implications such as eating disorders. WIC 5600.3.
Serious/Severe Mental Illness (SMI): A mental illness that is severe in degree and persistent in duration, which may cause behavioral functioning which interferes substantially with the primary activities of daily living, and which may result in an inability to maintain stable adjustment and independent functioning without treatment, support, and rehabilitation for a long or indefinite period of time. These mental illnesses include, but are not limited to, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as major affective disorders or other severely disabling mental disorders (9 CCR § 3701(e)). In California, SMI is a categorization for adults age 18 and older and is defined as any mental illness that results in substantial impairment in carrying out major life activities (California HealthCare Foundation, 2013).
Shared decision making: An approach where service providers and clients share the best available evidence when faced with the task of making treatment decisions, and where clients are supported to consider options, to achieve informed preferences.
Stakeholder(s): Individuals or entities with an interest in mental health services in the State of California, including but not limited to: individuals with serious mental illness and/or serious emotional disturbance and/or their families; providers of mental health and/or related services such as physical health care and/or social services; educators and/or representatives of education; representatives of law enforcement; and any other organization that represents the interests of individuals with serious menta illness/ and/or serious emotional disturbance and/or their families (9 CCR § 3200.270).
Stakeholder Bill of Rights (SBOR): A resource developed by ACCESS that enumerates six distinct rights of public mental health stakeholders and seeks to: (1) foster transparency, fiscal responsibility, and public accountability within California’s Public Mental Health System; (2) protect the rights of mental health Stakeholders receiving services in California’s Public Mental Health System; (3) strengthen, support, and expand grassroots, Stakeholder-led public mental health advocacy; (4) promote individual and community empowerment; (5) increase meaningful Stakeholder participation and community inclusion, in public mental health planning and program design, service delivery, and evaluation; (6) facilitate collaboration and communication amongst Stakeholders, community members, Local Mental Health Agencies, State Mental Health Agencies, service providers, legislators, policy-makers, and other state and local entities that influence the Public Mental Health System; and (7) ensure effective and necessary improvements in public mental health policy, programming and services deliver (Appendix P).
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services agency whose goal is to advance national behavioral health.
Suicide prevention: One of PEI statewide projects. Provided support and coordinated with counties in launching the implementation of the California Strategic Plan on Suicide Prevention which was approved by the Governor’s Office on June 30, 2008. The recommendations in this document were developed by a multidisciplinary advisory committee convened by the DMH and included representatives from the counties, Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission (MHSOAC), and other stakeholders. The Plan contains four strategic directions and over thirty recommended actions at both the state and local level, to prevent suicide in California. Visit MHSOAC Website's Suicide Prevention Project Web page to learn more about this Statewide Project, the Strategic Plan, and the Office of Suicide Prevention.
SUDS: Substance Use Disorder
System of Care (SOC): System of Care concept was first published in 1986, and it outlined a framework and philosophy for meeting the needs of children and adolescents with mental health challenges and their families. In 2011, 25 years later, the framework was updated to account for new insights and research.87 The following definition, core values, and guiding principles are from the National Technical Assistance Center for Children’s Mental Health Issue Brief, “Updating the System of Care Concept and Philosophy.”
A System of Care is: A spectrum of effective, community-based services and supports for children and youth with or at risk for mental health or other challenges and their families, that is organized into a coordinated network, builds meaningful partnerships with families and youth, and addresses their cultural and linguistic needs in order to help them to function better at home, in school, in the community, and throughout life.
Transition Age Youth (TAY): Youth clients served in the PMHS who are between 16 and 25 years of age (9 CCR § 3200.280).
Underserved: Clients of any age who have been diagnosed with a SMI and/or SED and are receiving some services but are not provided the necessary or appropriate opportunities to support their recovery, wellness, and/or resilience. When appropriate, it includes clients whose family members are not receiving sufficient services to support the client's recovery, wellness, and/or resilience. These clients include, but are not limited to, those who are so poorly served that they are at risk of homelessness, institutionalization, incarceration, out-of-home placement or other serious consequences; members of ethnic/racial, cultural, and linguistic populations that do not have access to mental health programs due to barriers such as poor identification of their mental health needs, poor engagement and outreach, limited language access, and lack of culturally competent services; and those in rural areas and Native American rancherias and reservations not receiving sufficient services.
Unserved: Individuals who may have SMI and/or SED and are not receiving mental health services. Individuals who may have had only emergency or crisis-oriented contact with and/or services from the county may be considered unserved. Title 9, CCR, 3200.310.
Veto: Action by the governor to disapprove a measure.
WET: see Workforce Education and Training
Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC): Addresses public services in California relating to welfare, dependent children, mental health, handicapped, elderly, juvenile delinquency and dependency, foster care, Medi-Cal, food stamps, rehabilitation, and long-term care. The MHSA encompasses broad portions of the California Welfare and Institutions Code, from sections 5771.1 and 5800 – 5899.1.
Workforce Education and Training (WET): The goal of the Workforce Education and Training (WET) component is to develop a diverse workforce. Clients and families/caregivers are given training to help others by providing skills to promote wellness and other positive mental health outcomes, they are able to work collaboratively to deliver client-and family-driven services, provide outreach to unserved and underserved populations, as well as services that are linguistically and culturally competent and relevant, and include the viewpoints and expertise of clients and their families/caregivers.
The component of the County’s MHSA Three-Year Program and Expenditure Plan that includes education and training programs and activities for prospective and current PMHS employees, contractors and volunteers (9 CCR § 3200.320). From 2005– 2008, Counties were required to use 10% of their total annual MHSA funding on WET expenditures (WIC § 5892(a)(1)). As of the 2008-2009 fiscal year, Counties may utilize up to 20% of the average annual amount of MHSA funds allocated to that County for the previous five years on CF/TN, WET, and prudent reserves combined. This amount is charged to the County’s CSS services component (WIC § 5892(b)).