Get therapy and support
Phone the Call Center to learn about therapy
Call 988 if you have local phone number (area code: 408, 650, and 699)
Call (800) 704-0900 if your number is outside the County.
We are here to help
Services are delivered in a culturally sensitive and trauma-informed settings dependent on the needs.
Supportive services
Provider Directory
Information about the programs and professionals accessible through our County network of providers.
English | English (Large font) | 中文 | Español | Tagalog | Tiếng Việt | Farsi
English | English (Large font) | 中文 | Español | Tagalog | Tiếng Việt | Farsi
Support for clients
Most therapies are for people enrolled in Medi-Cal. Medi-Cal is health insurance for people who live in California and have low income and resources.
If you're not enrolled in Medi-Cal, we can check if you qualify and help enroll you.