Talk to someone now
The Call Center helps you get the behavioral health services you need. Call for both emergency services as well as day-to-day support services. Referrals are offered for people of all ages. Behavioral health services are offered to all County of Santa Clara residents who receive Medi-Cal or Medicare benefits or have no insurance.
Two ways to reach us
Call 988 if you have local phone number (area codes: 408, 605, or 699).
Call (800) 704-0900 if your number is outside the County.
Both numbers connect you to our Call Center. Hours: 24-hours, 7 days a week
Languages available: Translation services available in all languages spoken in County of Santa Clara
The primary function is to provide a 24/7 telephone service which offers:
- Screenings for mental health and substance abuse treatment needs
- SUTS assessment appointments offered
- Referrals to outpatient MH, and outpatient, residential, and Detox SUTS services
- Authorization for Fee-for-Services Medi-Cal visits
- Information on how to file a grievance or appeal
- Information on Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT)
- General information about MH or SUTS services
- Patient navigation services
Referrals are offered to individuals of all ages.
Behavioral Health services are offered to County of Santa Clara residents who receive Medi-Cal or Medicare benefits or have no insurance.
For substance use treatment services, skilled screeners prescreen and refer callers to sites throughout the county for a more detailed assessment, and treatment services that are individualized to each client’s recovery needs.