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Get connected to care

We provide mental health and substance use services for all residents in Santa Clara County.

Number of

Drug overdose deaths

To prevent or reduce substance use among youth and adults, we provide an array of behavioral health services for our residents.

Drug overdose deaths in the U.S. in 2021
The rate of drug overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids other than methadone increased 22%, while the
rate of deaths involving heroin declined 32% between 2020 and 2021.
View data
Drug overdose deaths in Santa Clara County in the past five years
Out of those deaths, there were 396 drug overdose deaths reported in 2023 alone.
Access our treatment services
Fentanyl deaths in Santa Clara County in 2023
Fentanyl related deaths have been rising in our County, with more than 15 times in fentanyl deaths since 2018.
Access Fentanyl information

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Latest news

County of Santa Clara Behavioral Health Board Recognizes Local Heroes

County of Santa Clara Announces That 40 Schools Will Receive Grants for Behavioral Health Wellness Centers

County of Santa Clara Cosponsors Bill Aimed at Helping Youth Get Needed Mental Health Services

‘All Hands on Deck’ – Treatment, Enforcement, Funding, Legislation are Hot Topics at Opioid Epidemic Forum


Provider Directory

Information about the programs and professionals accessible through our County network of providers.