Mission Street recovery station
An alternative to booking and a connection to services
The Mission Street Recovery Station (MSRS) provides a safe place for individuals to sober up from alcohol intoxication and receive an opportunity to access ongoing services and referrals. MSSC helps to minimize incarceration and avoid unnecessary use of hospital Emergency Departments.
MSRS provides immediate alcohol sobering services to people referred by local agencies including Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Services, and the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center Emergency Department.
Participants are transported to the MSRS by referring agencies or MSRS staff. MSRS offers a short stay of less than 24 hours to participants and provides an opportunity to be referred directly into additional substance use treatment services as well as Whole Person Care, mental health and other community programs. Participants also have an opportunity to complete a housing assessment and a MediCal application. Transportation to a shelter or a detoxification program is offered.
MSRS is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Medical support staff are onsite along with sobering assistants. A Medical Director provides medical oversight. The Recovery Station is a partnership between the County of Santa Clara Behavioral Health Services Department, Re-Entry Services and Horizon Services, Inc.
Additional contact information
For information, an assessment or space availability please call (408) 648-4411.