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Learn about suicide prevention in schools

State policies AB2246 and AB1767 mandate that public schools serving grades K-12 adopt policies addressing suicide prevention, crisis response, and student mental health. This partnership launched in 2018 in response to a needs assessment conducted with school districts on their progress with implementing these policies.

Training opportunities

Suicide Prevention Training for K-12 School Personnel 

Audience: District & Charter School Staff in Santa Clara County

In the absence of the Kognito health simulations, the Suicide Prevention Program has identified an alternate training to meet state prevention policy requirements (AB2246AB1767AB1808).  
The Be Sensitive, Be Brave for Suicide Prevention virtual training infuses culture and diversity throughout a foundational workshop on suicide prevention. Offering participants an opportunity to engage in role-play simulations, the training focuses on increasing comfort and competency in managing critical conversations and teaches participants how to act as eyes and ears for suicidal distress.

For additional details and training access, please see the flyer.

LivingWorks Start


This training is sponsored by AB-1808 and offered through the California Department of Education for a limited time. If you are an employee or student in any public middle or high school in California, you are eligible to complete this training at no-cost. Students and staff should choose two of the three youth-specific practice scenarios at the end of the training titled "Eric", "Ali", or "Mikayla and Hailey." Students who complete LivingWorks Start are eligible to earn 90 minutes of community service hours. 

Access link for students and staff